Thursday, February 20, 2014

so i guess this is my introduction.. hey!

hey! this is all sort of new to me, sharing my daily thoughts with the internet- and im not exactly sure how i feel about it yet, but i hope i don't sound too mental! i also don't want anyone to see me in a different light, and i hope you like me despite this quirk i have- because it's a major part of my life! i'd really like to create an awareness (obviously not by myself) of mental disorders, because SO MANY people have them, whether it's anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD.. anything! i bet you your favorite person on this earth, whether it's a band member, a singer, a writer, an actor, a friend- whoever, suffers from a mental issue, and you have no clue! it's really incredible how well people can function despite obstacles such as mental disorders, and you'd be surprised how seemingly "normal" people with mental disorders are- which completely overrides the stereotypes! i primarily started this blog because ive always wanted a space where i could write out what happens to me daily- not that anyone cares- but one of my passions is writing, so if i could write about my lame life, and hopefully have some people with anxiety feel less alone at the same time, i'd be stoked! for a little background, i've had emetephobia (the extreme fear of vomiting), hypochondria (an extreme fear and hypervigilance having to do with both mental and physical health) and pure obsessional OCD from the early age of 6, and i've been in and out of various talk therapists, yet im currently with an excellent CBT specialist, and i couldn't be more thankful! i also suffer from a bit of seasonal affective disorder, yet opposed to depression, i see more of a rise in my anxiety symptoms during the winter. what can i say, new york winters suck! enough about me, my main purpose here is to primarily make other people feel like they're not alone- and i know how clichè that sounds, and im sure you read that all over tumblr and any other blogs that have to deal with mental issues- but i mean it. i know how alone i felt back in elementary school when i used to gag for an hour before school, and when i used to cry for my mom to come get me- i felt like i was the only one with my condition, and i absolutely forbid myself from ever showing that i had anxiety- and the majority of my friends and the rest of my school still don't know that i have anxiety. i know how good it feels to read a certain sentence- or maybe even a few sentences- that you can relate to from personal experience, and it's a really great feeling. additionally, if you're reading this right now, and you need someone to talk to, please NEVER hesitate to contact me, i promise to never think of you as crazy, i promise to keep your issues confidential, and most of all, i promise to help you to the best of my ability. if you want to contact me, my twitter is @emmakieIy (psst, the "L" in kiely is actually an "i", my original name was taken so i was forced to get a little creative) and my kik is emgraceeee, so you can send me a dm or message whenever you feel like it! it doesn't matter if it's 3 am, because chances are i'm up- i mean it's pretty hard to sleep when you have so many things to tend to on the internet- and i know you know what i mean! 

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